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Standard Post Format in WordPress Bloging Tips

Shakardara sharing information above all for Standard post format in WordPress bloging tips and tricks. Default standard post format in WordPress. This could be an article, a blog post, or any user. A standard post can be in any other post format. For example, a standard post might contain a gallery or video.

Post Formats is a theme feature introduced with Version 3.1. A Post Format is a piece of meta information that can be used by a theme to customize its presentation of a post. The Post Formats feature provides a standardized list of formats that are available to all themes that support the feature. Themes are not required to support every format on the list. New formats cannot be introduced by themes or even plugins. The standardization of this list provides both compatibilities between numerous themes and an avenue for external blogging tools to access this feature consistently.

Standard post format in WordPress bloging

In short, with a theme that supports Post Formats, a blogger can change how each post looks by choosing a Post Format from a radio-button list.

Using Asides as an example, in the past, a category called Asides was created, and posts were assigned that category, and then displayed differently based on styling rules from post_class() or in_category(‘asides’). With Post Formats, the new approach allows a theme to add support for a Post Format (e.g. add_theme_support(‘post-formats’, array(‘aside’))), and then the post format can be selected in the Publish meta box when saving the post. A function call of get_post_format($post->ID) can be used to determine the format, and post_class() will also create the “format-asides” class, for pure-CSS styling..

Supported formats

If the theme enables support for them, the following post formats are available for users to choose from.

Note that unless there is a change in the content of the post, the theme can use this user’s choice to display the post differently according to the selected format. For example, the theme “status” may leave the title display for publication. How things are presented depends entirely on the theme, but here are some general guidelines.

General guidelines for Standard post format in WordPress bloging

Note: When writing or editing a post, the standard is used to assign that no post format is specified. Also, if a format is specified that is incorrect, then the standard (no format) will be used.

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