Currency rates in Pakistan open markets by international currencies
Currency rates in Pakistan open markets by international currencies in May 2019. Karachi (According to Local News websites) – Currency rate in open markets in Pakistan by international currencies on May 21, 2019 is .Price for purchase of Pakistani Rupees PKR is 1 USD 152.50 Pak rupees and US dollar sales are Pakistani Rupees PKR 154.00. The British Pound (GBP) buying price 192.00 for Pakistani Rupees PKR purchase is Rs 194.00 and the Euro to PKR price is 169.00. The sales are Rs 171.00.
Currency rates in Pakistan open markets by international currencies in May
There is 40.20 rupees to buy Saudi Rail PKR and Rs 40.70. Purchase of UAE Dhamham is Rs 41.00 and Sales is Rs 41.50.Here is the currency rate (May 20 and May 21).Above are (20 May and 21 May) currency rates:
Furthermore about Currency rates in Pakistan open markets by international currencies in May
According to the currency experts Pakistani Rupees will going down more against the US Dollars. If you wish to buying US Dollars in open market then this is the best chance to make money shortly. Because US Dollars rates will going high in Pakistan. You can easily buy US Dollars from open market to save a lot of money in few days. Hope US Dollars rate against PAKISTANI Rupees can be reach up to 160.00 in next week.
In Conclusion of Currency rates in Pakistan open markets by international currencies in May
First of all, Thanks for visiting Currency rates in Pakistan open markets by international currencies in May 2019. In May 2019 US Dollars against Pakistani Rupees went high. Pakistani Rupees is going down against US Dollars and all other Currency rates in Pakistan open markets by international currencies in May 2019. Place comments if you still have any question about Currency rates in Pakistan open markets by international currencies in May. The person who will have US Dollars in hand may get change his future in few days because the Pakistani Rupees went down.