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Clean Water supply scheme for Shakardarra Local Area

Clean Water supply scheme for Shakardarra Local Area CM inaugurated. Today CM Pervez Khattak inaugurated Clean Water supply scheme for Local Area of Shakardara. This Clean Water supply scheme will be for Shakardara Local Area. After OGDC Oil and Gas Company Failed to arrange clean water the Clean Water supply scheme will work better. However. Shakardara and the local area, even more, need clean water supply schemes. Because the present inaugurated Clean Water supply scheme for Shakardara Local Area not enough.

Clean Water supply scheme for Shakardarra Local Area CM inaugurated

KOHAT: Chief Minister Pervez Khattak on Sunday declared an Rs3 billion project for golf stroke. Also, 800 tubewells within the southern districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on the system.

He’s speaking throughout a ceremony command to inaugurate work on the Shakardarra water system theme price Rs1.54 billion. He conjointly approved sub-tehsil standing for Shakardarra city. And Rs1 billion for water system theme in Lachi space of PK-39.

Chief Minister Pervez Khattak sanctioned up-gradation of Sheki highschool to higher secondary. Shakardarra Rehmanabad basic health center to the rural treatment room, gas offer to remaining villages of Shakardarra. The Shakardara-Karappa road and Rs50 million for Shahpur road.

Chief Minister Pervez Khattak Addressing

Chief Minister Pervez Khattak Addressing a public meeting in Shakardara. The chief minister same that Asian country Tehreek-i-Insaf had won the elections. Also, on the shibboleth of transferal real modification by eliminating graft, injustice, and thana culture. Up broken-down colleges, roads, and hospitals that they’d familial from politicians with unconditional interest.

Says 800 tubewells in southern districts placed on solar energy

He the same that his predecessors got to select the name of Islam, Pathan, “Roti Kapra Aur Makaan” etc. However, served against their manifestos by derision innocent folks.

Mr chief minister Pervez Khattak the same that his government’s 1st priority was education. And that they endowed Rs40 billion in primary colleges solely. He same that to produce quality education in government colleges they’d inducted thirty-seven,000 lecturers. However, there was still a requirement for eight,000 more.

“I conjointly illegal transfers and postings on the intervention of officers and politicians.” He same and another that the majority of the colleges had an article of furniture, boundary walls, latrines. Clean water and grounds besides complete workers United Nations agency attended the categories often.

People of Shakardara Local Area Demanded New Hospitals

The chief minister same that very same was the case with the health department, and also the folks demanded new hospitals that were there however had no workers and machinery. currently, identical doctors United Nations agency didn’t wish to serve in far-flung areas were there whose salaries had raised from Rs28,000 to Rs200,000, he said.

“I’ve issued strict directions that each treatment room ought to have male and feminine doctors and technicians, which all tests like X-rays ought to be done at the hospital and no patient ought to referred outside to non-public laboratories,” he said.

The chief minister same that the police in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa currently operating with none political influence as a real force.

He same that in past the CM House accustomed be a discount center wherever the workers enjoy granting undue promotions, transfers, and postings, however currently solely honest folks appointed there.


The inauguration of the beginning of railroad car service between Kohat and metropolis stayed Gregorian calendar month seventeen.

This’s determined in a very meeting once divisional engineer of Asian country Railways, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Asad Rasheed referred to as on PML-N’s former legislator Abbas Khan Afridi at his residence here the opposite day.

The railroad car service suspended in might 2013. Karwane Amal staging a silent protest at the terminus on each Fri for the last one year exacting beginning of the service.

Clean Water supply scheme for Shakardarra Local Area CM inaugurated in News

In the down new paper also Published in Dawn, Gregorian calendar month twenty-fifth, 2017 Shakardra media, and local news also provide quality news for all readers. We’ve even more posts about local area clean water problems. you can also visit for crude oil and gas sources energy companies at Shakardara.

Conclusion of Clean Water supply scheme for Shakardara Local Area CM inaugurated

Thanks for also visiting post about Clean Water supply scheme for Shakardara Local Area CM inaugurated. Come back also for more new news about Shakardara and the local area. We also post local news of Shakardara and the local area. place comment bellow if you still need any more about clean water for the local area of Shakardara. However, you can visit for even more about OGDC Oil and Gas Company Failed to arrange clean water for the Local Area.

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