Hosting I recommend
So, for the blog host I recommend and the one which I show you how to use in this How To Start A Blog guide is BlueHost. Forthermore, I personally use BlueHost and I can recommend them for all new website and bloggers because:
- They’ll register your blog name or domain name for you as free. Making sure no one else can take it your registered domain name.
- Also, they offer easy installation of WordPress blogging application which I show you how to use in this guide.
- They’ve been recommended by WordPress since 2000. Currently website host over 2 million domain and blogs websites.
- They’ll helpful 24/7 customer service via web chat or phone.
- BlueHost have a money-back guarantee if you’re unsatisfied for any reason then your money will back.
You can use any BlueHost link on this website by December 25th to make sure you get the special BlueHost December Sale price of $2.75 per month. The BlueHost compensates me when you purchase through my provided link. So my services are free for all of charge to you! In fact, if you’ve any trouble at all your hosting setting up your unique blog with this tutorial. Just contact me and I’ll do it for you shortly. Follow bellow to know how to start a blog.
1. Click to get the BlueHost December Sale price of $2.75 per month by December 25th and then click “get started now your blog”.

2. Select your hosting plan. I recommend that being a new bloggers get the basic hosting plan. Click “Select” to choose your basic hosting plan.

3. Type in your blog or domain name in the left box. Then click on next to start the domain name registration process.
- However, If you already have own domain name and want to use that for your unique blog. Type your existing own domain name in the right box and then click on next. You must only use the right box if you’ve previously paid to register a domain name!

4. Fill out your billing address details on the domain name registration page.

5. You’ll also need to choose your hosting plan and hosting options.
- Must know that the 36 month package gets you the lowest monthly hosting rate. While the 12 month plan has a lower up-front hosting cost. Remember that you can cancel any time if you want.
- I unchecked the boxes next to the other products when I sign-up for buying domain name and hosting. You can always get these products later if you decide you need them for your blog.

6. You’ll then need to create password for your web hosting account. Once you do that then you can choose a basic web design template for your unique blog. However, You can easily change this later many time as you’ll see.

Now your unique blog themes and software WordPress will install. Once the installation complete then click “Start developing” to logged-in to your blog admin area.

Finally, You should also receive an email with your unique blog log-in details.
NOTE: The admin login details for your unique blog will be different than for your BlueHosting account.
When you Having any trouble in installing your blog? Then Get help here.
Step 3: Customize Your Unique Blog
Logging in
To get start with, you’ll need to login to your unique blog admin area. Go to your blog admin area like as this http://www.youruniqueblog.com/wp-admin to bring up the login screen (replace “youruniqueblog.com” with your domain name). If you’re unsure of your login name or password. However, Check the email that was sent to you from the BlueHost that’s this information details.

Changing your Unique blog design
So, Once you login you’ll be in the WordPress admin area. This is where you can make any changes if you want to your unique blog.
Because, everyone has different idea of how they want their unique blog to look. Furthermore, One of great things about a WordPress blog is that you can change your entire blog layout and web design with just a few clicks.
However, In Word Press, blog layouts are known as Template or Themes. What’s a blog theme? Template or Themes control the entire web design of your unique blog. To change your template or theme you are going to click on the Appearance tab on the left menu in your admin area.

Themes already installed
You’ll see several templates and themes already installed on your blog like as Twenty Sixteen, Twenty Seventeen, etc. These’re well-designed, clean-looking templates and themes that work for about any type of blog. In fact, many of world’s top web developers and bloggers use one of these themes.
You can use that Unless you’ve a specific design in mind for your unique blog, So I also suggest you to use one of these themes to start with. Just for example, let’s use the “Twenty Twelve” default theme. In order to activate the theme on your unique blog, hover over the template or theme and click on “Activate” button. That’s it! and you’ave changed the entire web design of your unique blog with one click!

But, If you don’t like any of the templates or themes that already installed. Y ou can easily choose from thousands of other free templates or themes. To install a new template or theme, click on the “Appearance” tab on the left menu in admin area and then click “Add New”.

This’s the template or theme search screen. By clicking the Feature Filter on templates you can search by layout, color, and more. Also, Check the boxes that you want and then click and Apply Filters.

Finally, there Now you can browse the templates or themes that have the characteristics that you want. When you find one of themes or template that you like click the blue “Install” button.

Once the template or theme installed click Activate to activate the template or theme on your unique blog. Now to see your new template or theme in action, go to your blog and take a look now!
Changing your template or theme is the simplest way to customize your unique blog. But there are lot of other customizations you can do if you want. More you Check out my full post on customizing your unique blog for step-by-step guide.
Step 4: How to write a blog post & publish it
Now that your blog is up and running it’s time to actually do some blogging!
Go to the left menu and click on “Posts”.
You’ll see there’s already a post there. This is a default post on every new WordPress blog, and we don’t need it. To delete it click “Trash” just under the post.

To begin writing a new post, click the “Add New” link.

You’re now on the post editor screen. Enter the title of your post in the top box and then begin writing your post in the lower box.

If you would like to add a picture to your post, click on the “Add Media” button and click “Select Files” to upload a picture from your computer. You can make adjustments to the picture size on the next screen. When you’re ready click “Insert into post” to add the picture.
Once you’ve finished your post just click the “Publish” button on the right side of the screen to publish it.
Publishing Your Blog
Even after you’ve written a post your blog may still be showing a “Coming Soon” page.
When you’re ready to make your blog public. Just click the “BlueHost” menu at the top left of the menu in your administrator area. Then click the blue “Launch” button to remove the “Coming Soon” page.

Congratulations! You now know how to start your own blog and publish content!
Step 5: Promote Your Own Blog
Lets go to step-5 where we Creating a well-designed blog and writing great web content is just to get start. In order to get Internet readers for own blog, we’ll need spend some time promoting it. Especially when you’ll first of all to start.
The one of my favorite ways to get Internet readers to any blog is to post links on social media accounts. It can be like as Facebook, linkdin and Twitter etc. This’s great opportunity. Because not only do your friends see the link, but if your friends will share the link with their friends it automatically for multiplies your readers. If you’ve created high-quality web content on your website or blog then social media is great way for your website to go viral.
In addition to getting new Internet readers to blog, you’ll also want to make sure your current Internet readers coming back. This’s where email marketing plays a big role for getting huge traffic. By collecting the email addresses of your website visitors with their permission of course. You can then notify them when you post something new on your website or blog. This keeps people coming back to your website or blog. Which not only gives you more Internet readers over time. It also allows you to develop trust and closer relationship with your readers.
However, the Email marketing is too big a topic to cover well here. So I already created a separate guide to email marketing for those who’re interested. hint, every blogger who wants more Internet readers needs to read this guide.
So, For more tips on promoting website or blog make sure to check out my in-depth guide to website and blog promotion.
Step 6: Make money blogging
However, Once you’ve put in the effort of creating great web content and promoting website or blog. For making money from website or blog is actually the easy part.
There’re several ways you can make good money from blogging, from selling your own products or services. To getting paid to write reviews of own products on website or blog. But the best way to make money from your website and blog is to sell advertising space.
Once you’ve a popular website or blog, advertisers will hounding you for the opportunity to advertise on it. The easy way to take advantage of this situation is to use Yahoo ads and Google Adsense. They find the advertisers for you and all you’ve to do is place the yahoo ads and Google Adsense code on yourwebsite to start running ads. Yahoo ads and Google Adsense takes all of the hard work out of the process and just cuts you a check.
I go into the full details of how to set up yahoo ads and Google Adsense for your blog here. For more information see my full guide to making money from website and blogging here.
Do You Need more help?
Hopefully this guide has answered any questions in your mind. You had on how to start a blog, but if any of the steps were unclear to you. Then you can find a more detailed version of each step by using the menu at the top right of this page. So at the bottom of this page if you’re on a smart-phone.
The guide about how to start a blog above should answer a lot of questions. You might have about getting your blog set up and customized. But more specific tutorials can be found on my The Blogger Tutor page. Here are some of the most popular tutorials from my The Blogger Tutor page:
- How to add custom images or logos.
- Where to get Internet readers to subscribe to your blog.
- See how many people visiting your blog.
- Move from WordPress.com to WordPress.org
- Make a website or Blog with WordPress.
- Automatically share your new blog posts on Facebook and Twitter.
- Choose the best website builder.
- Link to other sites from your blog.
- Change text size and color.
- Make your blog private.
Finally, you can Contact me if you’ve any issues at all. I’ll personally respond to your email. My step-by-step guide on how to start a blog and website should give you everything you need to get started. But if you run into some issues, or just want some personalized advice. Then please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time. Blogging is my passion, and I would love to talk with you about How To Start A Blog Guide for Making Money Online.
Type of Promoting your blog
First of all, you must know for Promoting your blog is where I see the majority of bloggers fail. There’re lot of great bloggers out there that no one has ever heard about. Simply because they don’t know how, just don’t want to promote their website or blog.
However, The most important tip I can give you here about promoting your blog. That’s not be shy about telling people about your website or blog!
I’ve heard from many web developers and bloggers. Who telling me that they don’t promote their blog simply because they don’t feel it’s worthy of promotion. They say things like I don’t have enough posts yet or I need to work on my site design first.
However, Don’t do this to yourself! If you’ve put in the time to setup a great website and with great web content. Then you need to tell people about it. Be proud of the work you’ve put in your blog.
So, just how do you promote your website or blog? Well, it turns out the most effective methods of promotion are free for you. You need just to follow that bellow.
1. Email marketing for Getting Traffic
A lot of the other tips on this how to start a blog guide list are about getting new readers to your website or blog. But if you want to develop a real following you not only need new Internet readers. Also , you’ve to keep first-time readers coming back to your blog!
This’s where email marketing plays a big role in getting traffic. By collecting the email addresses of your visitors also with their permission, you can then notify them when you post something new on your blog. This keeps people coming back to your blog, which not only gives you more readers over time, it also allows you to build a closer relationship with your Internet readers.
Email marketing is big topic to cover well here. So I created another separate guide to email marketing for those who’re interested hint: every blogger who wants more Internet readers needs to read this guide.
2. Social Media Networks
Big chances are that you already have a Facebook account, and Twitter account as well. So when you post something on your website or blog, make sure that you also post link to your website or blog post on your social media accounts.
It also helps to connect with other people interested in your post topic. Also, Send a friend request to the top bloggers in your niche. Make sure to follow them on Twitter and Linkdin as well.
However, You may be surprised at how many people will find your post interesting. And then share the link with their friends on social media too.
3. Commenting on other Popular blogs
However, then best way is On many blogs you’ve to leave comment along with your post link back to your blog. Finally, If you make useful comments on other blogs related to your topic. That means you’ll be putting your website or blog right in front of people interested. Means who you know interested in your blog post and the topic.
Caution! Don’t abuse this method when you’ve a blog.
Must you know that If you’re leaving comments on posts just to get your name out there’s will only hurt your blog. Furthermore, any way a poor quality comments are likely to be deleted by the blog owner.
So, If you make a useful comment people are more likely to visit your blog or website. Since they’ll want to hear more about what you’ve to say on the topic.
4. Link to other Populars blogs
This’s One of the best ideas for writing a blog post is to write a response to a post from another website or blog. This could be a website or blog post you disagree with. Simply some topics that you’ve something else to add to.
However, when you do this, make sure to link to the website or blog you’re responding to. On most website and blogs this creates what we known as a “trackback”.
The trackback simply means that the blog you linked to will also post a link automatically to your website or blog. This means that anyone reading the other person’s website or blog post will also see the link to your blog. And also hopefully click on it to visit your website or blog.
5. Guest posting for Getting Traffic
Another way to get Internet readers of other blogs to hear about your blog is to write guest posts. To write a guest post you simply need to contact some other website and blog owners and offer to write a post for their website.
Not all websites and bloggers are open to this great idea. But if you can find a few who’re it’s a great deal for everyone. You provide them with quality web content, and in return you put a link to your blog in your website post. If people enjoy your guest post then they’re likely to visit your website or blog for more great content.
6. Online forums for getting Traffic to your Blog
If you haven’t already, you should join the popular online forums related to your website or blog topic. For example, if your website or blog is about dog training. Join a couple of the popular dog training forums where you can get huge traffic to your blog.
Many forums will allow you to post a blog link to your website in the signature. That goes at the bottom of every post you write. However, some forums may require you to make a few posts before letting you do same this.
Once you’ve joined a forum, make helpful website or blog posts. Just as with website or blog commenting, the content of your forum posts needs to be quality and helpful. Also People not going to want to read your blog if they don’t find your forum posts to be interesting and helpful.
7. Frequent posting on Blog
The promotion methods above all focus on getting new readers to your website or blog. This’s usually the most difficult step for any website or blog. However, you also need to make sure that once Internet readers find your website or blog they come back!
Making new posts frequently at least once a week, but preferably every 1-2 days. because, the key to building up and keeping a large following will huge web contents on your blog.
Your web content may be fantastic, but if you only post once a month people likely to forget about your website or blog. You’ve to strike a balance between high quantity and high quality. This’s a balance for any blogger to achieve. It’s not always easy to write a high quality blog post once once a week or even a day.
However, If you’re struggling in finding ideas to write about. Make sure to re-read the previous step in this How To Start A Blog Guide for Making Money Online.
What’s The Next in How To Start A Blog Guide for Making Money Online?
By now you’ve learned what you need to know about getting your website or blog started. And getting Internet readers to your blog and website. So for some bloggers this’ end the goal. Because, they simply want people to read their unique ideas and have the opportunity to participate in a community of some like-minded people.
However, once you’ve developed a decent following. You can start to make good money from your website or blog if you so choose. Must you Check out the next, and final step how to make money from website or blog. Now to learn how to make money from website or blogging will help you in more ideas.
Making Money Online from Blogging
How To Start A Blog Guide for Making Money Online from Blogging. This post is about how to make money blogging. As we read above about how to start a blog but now we’ll know how to make money from blog. First of all, you’ll need to register and install your blog to follow along.
How to start a blog and make money?
1. Building Your Readership
However, There’re lots of ways to monetize your website or blog once you’ve good number of visitors. But when you’re just starting out you won’t have many Internet readers. So it’s important to make the most of each one.
That means you need to make sure first-time readers of your website or blog will come back to your blog. Finally, by having returning readers will you ever build a sizable audience that you can profit from.
So how can you stay in touch with your Internet readers?
The best and easiest way is to ask them for an email address where you can contact them with news updates. By collecting your Internet readers’ email addresses from the beginning of your website or blog you’ll build the biggest mailing list possible.
Ever wonder why about every blog you go to asks for you to sign up with your email address?
In marketing there’s a saying that “money is in the mailing list”. This’s because a mailing list allows you to contact users over and over again.
Every time when you send an email to your list you can offer them services/products. Just get them to your visit your blog again where you can make money from ads (We’ll discussed below). This’s exactly what big companies like Grouping do with their users mailing lists. They send out offers on a daily or weekly basis to all.
For that you’ll need an email marketing service to get started. By far the easiest and most reliable that I’ve found is Constant Contact. Which offers a free trial of their services for new website or bloggers. I’ve put together a complete step-by-step tutorial on how to use Constant Contact with your website or blog.
2. Monetizing Your Website or Blog
Once you’ve built a decent readership base you can turn your attention to making money from your website or blog. There many ways to do this, but one of the most lucrative ways also happens to the easiest- advertising.
To having huge number of visitors to your website or blog means. That advertisers will pay to have their ads shown to your Internet readers. The best way to blog for money is to get paid for showing advertisements on your website or blog by joining Google’s AdSense program. You can join at http://www.google.com/adsense
Furthermore, Once you setup your account on AdSense you’ll be given a code to add to your website or blog. That AdSense code will automatically display advertisements on your blog from companies who’re part of Google’s advertising network. You may see Google ads from small companies related to your topic. You may see Google ads from large companies that completely unrelated to your blog topic.
However, The nice thing about Google AdSense is that you’ve thousands of advertisers bidding to advertise on your blog. All you’ve to do is add the simple Google AdSense code to your website or blog. Once you do that the Google AdSense process is completely hands off.
Every time one of your visitors clicks
Finally, Every time one of your visitors clicks on an ad on your website or blog, you get paid. Also, Google collects the money from the advertisers and then cuts you a check (usually on every month).
The Good things is This arrangement is nice not only because it’s hands-off. But because you’re dealing with a reputable company that you know will actually pay you on time.
How much can you make from your Blog?
No Limit on earning from your blog or website. The earning amount that you can make through AdSense depends on three factors:
1. The number of visitors to your Website or Blog
Must you know that more people visiting your blog means more clicks on advertisements. Which means more money for you from your website or blog.
2. The visibility of the ads on Your Website or Blog
When you put the Google AdSense code on your website or blog you’ve choice of the style of advertisements ( small images, large images, text, etc.) and also where they’re placed. The more prominently the Google AdSense ads are displayed the more likely they’re to be clicked.
However, you’ve to balance placing the Google AdSense ads prominently with the prospect of possibly annoying your readers. We’ve all visited blogs where it’s difficult to see the content due to the number and size of the Google AdSense ads. This is a delicate balance to achieve and it’s something you’ll have to experiment with to get the most out of your website or blog.
3. The Blog Topic you’re Blogging about
Finally, The final factor that affects your Google AdSense income is the topic you’re blogging about. This’s because advertisers will pay more to be on certain website and blogs than they’ll for others.
For example, if your website or blog is about golf, your readers are likely to have good income. Because of this, there’re good number of advertisers that want to get their ads in front of your Internet readers. And they’re likely to pay a good amount cpc (per click to do this).
However, Contrast this with a blog about Girls Exercise. The readers of this blog are likely to be teenage girls, who usually don’t have very much purchasing power. Here for placing ads advertisers will likely pay less for each click.
These three factors
However, these three factors will determine the amount of earning money you make. Estimating exactly what you’ll make is pretty difficult. But Huge traffic blog on the right topic has the potential to make and bring in several thousand dollars month. Of course, many people earn less than this, and some earn even more. In fact, it’s been estimated that some top AdSense publishers earn nearly $5 million per year just from Google AdSense.
Keep in mind well that making money from your website and blog takes time. After all, there’s a reason that learning how to make money from a website or blog is the last step in my guide. However, You need to make sure you’ve followed all the previous steps perfectly. In order to give yourself the best chance of making money a substantial income from website and blogging. This’ll not happen over a day, but most website and bloggers find that the work itself rewarding enough to continue on the earning journey.
Once you’ve your website or blog up and running. Make sure to check out my all step-by-step tutorial on how to install Google AdSense on your website or blog.
The Highest Google Adsense Earners in the World
Note: It’s just an estimate based on total also unique visitors, page-views CPC. And since their website’s and blogs ranking/traffic changes every month. So these earnings not fixed. Here bellow you can visit top website which making money from Google AdSense in the world.
Earning: $9,000/month
Alexa Rank: 20,567
Daily Unique Visitors: 130,000
Daily Page Views: 500,000
Backlinks: 30,000
Registered In: 2003
About: Buying and Selling Ads
Website URL: Labnol
Earning: $10,000/month
Alexa Rank: 9754
Daily Unique Visitors: 150,000
Daily Page Views: 300,000
Backlinks: 103,000
Registered In: 2007
About: Technology Blog
Earning: $50,000/month
Alexa Rank: 9,665
Daily Unique Visitors: 3 million
Daily Page Views: 26 million
Backlinks: 27 million
Registered In: 1999
About: Forum on blogging and seo marketing
Earning: $60,000/month
Alexa Rank: 5,454
Daily Unique Visitors: 600,000
Daily Page Views: 1 million
Backlinks: 3 million
Registered In: 2005
About: Celebrities activity
Earning: $100,000/month
Alexa Rank: 7,545
Daily Unique Visitors: 4 million
Daily Page Views: 10 million
Backlinks: 8.7 million
Registered In: 1998
About: Business news and events
Website URL: eHow
Earning: $100,000/month
Alexa Rank: 3,454
Daily Unique Visitors: 1 million
Daily Page Views: 3 million
Backlinks: 5 million
Registered In: 1999
About: Online how to guide web
Earning: $150,000/month
Alexa Rank: 6,669
Daily Unique Visitors: 450,000
Daily Page Views: 1 million
Backlinks: 105,000
Registered In: 2007
About: The top 10 list overing almost everything.
Website URL: Techcrunch
Earning: The website was sold to AOL in 2010 for $20 million
Alexa Rank: 784
Daily Unique Visitors: 5 million
Daily Page Views: 11 million
Backlinks: 8.7 million
Registered In: 2011
About: Technology news
Website URL: Digg
Earning: $150,000/month
Alexa Rank: 2,103
Daily Unique Visitors: 1 million
Daily Page Views: 2 million
Backlinks: 1.6 billion
Registered In: 2000
About: Sharing blogs and contents
Earning: $600,000/ month
Alexa Rank: 1,464
Daily Unique Visitors: 4 million
Daily Page Views: 10 million
Backlinks: 266,000
Registered In: 2009
About: Opinion-based, crowdsourced rankings on just about everything.
Website URL: POF
Earning: $1 million per month
Alexa Rank: 981
Daily Unique Visitors: 3 million
Daily Page Views: 20 million
Backlinks: 13 million
Registered In: 2000
About: Online dating around the world
Earning: $2 million per month
Alexa Rank: 171
Daily Unique Visitors: 15 million
Daily Page Views: 40 million
Backlinks: 3.3 million
Registered In: 2004
About: Online how to guide web
Some websites earning by selling their own Targeted Measurable Advertising (90{fc26ea8d5736866676687bf4b69d5645b7dca12848b298949087a20103fb8c96}) as well as few Google AdSense ads (10{fc26ea8d5736866676687bf4b69d5645b7dca12848b298949087a20103fb8c96}). Which aren’t visible if you’re using any kind of add preventing plugin in your browser
I think this’ll inspire you a bit. If you’re also about to start a new blog or website. Make sure that you know how to make a website with high quality content. Also, how to increase traffic on your website or blog.
What next for making money?
First of all, you need to Learning about how to make money with website or blog. Earning money from a website or blog is final step in my tutorial on how to start a blog. I hope that you not only read to complete How To Start A Blog guide. But also took action on it for make money. Blogging is a long journey, but only by taking the first step will you ever get to see where this road can take you. Hope my How To Start A Blog Guide for Making Money Online will take you to the destination.
Starting a Profitable Website or Blog
The above Reading reports of different websites and blogs about these income is inspiring. There’re some common threads between all of these profitable niches to help them make good money.
1. Internet Readers Love What They Write About
You can tell they’re monetizing their passion. Also, they love talking about craft projects or home decor. If you are interested in starting a website or blog, Also think about what fuels your creativity.
What your hobbies do you enjoy doing well and can you turn that into good profitable website or blog?
2. They Know About What They Are Talking About
These writers and bloggers know the topics they’re blogging about. They’ve had a lot of experienced with them or have picked it up along the way. My freelance writing blog, Carefast is based on my experience as a mom and freelance writer.
I share my strategies for landing clients with little time. And how to market your business for maximum results as ROI. I’m busy and I’ve to be efficient!
With your website or blog, write about what you know about and share that with your audience. I KNOW they would also LOVE to hear your advice and tips!
3. They Found Something in Common
Many of these websites and blogs are about universal topics like as parenting, travel, newborn, crafts, home decor. While there’re thousands of websites and blogs in these “common” niches, you can also stand out from all of them easily. You must share your own experiences to the world!
For me, like as a Smart Mom Ideas, is a lifestyle website or blog about universal topics. Being a new mom, pregnancy and toddlers. saving money. While I’m working to at monetizing it, I write different type posts that help a large portion of people as new moms.
4. Affiliate Marketing Was Common Strategy for Monetization
However, You may feel pressured to make an eBook or your own service or product. But really, the majority of websites and bloggers just do affiliate marketing of blog . Many freelance writing clients solely do affiliate marketing and make a living doing this.
If you need help with your affiliate marketing strategy, check out:
- Affiliate Marketing Common Questions and Answers
- How to Triple Your Affiliate Earnings on Your New website or Blog
- Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: How to Create an Income Generating Post for your blog
- Visit Inspiring Examples of Beautiful Blog Design
5. Social Media Marketing Strategy
Social Media Marketing have big parts in making earning from a website or blog. In Social Media Marketing Strategy is the first step to creating a social media marketing strategy is to establish your objectives goals. Without goals, you’ve no way to measure your success or your social media return on investment (ROI). Each of your goals should be:
- Attainable
- Measurable
- Specific
- Relevant
- Time-bound
You must Knowing that who your audience is and what they want to see on social media is key to creating content. That they’ll like, comment on, and share to others friends. However, It’s also critical for planning how to building your social media fans into customers for your service or business.
However, you can try to creating audience personas. These allow you to think of your potential followers, fans, and customers as real people with real needs and wants . And that’ll allow you to think more clearly about what to offer them.
Which Blog Topics Make Good Money?
10 Blog Niches That Drive huge Traffic and Make Money.
- Sewing Blog. Sewing and knitting is a HUGE niche for traffic.
- Parenting Blog. Parenting is profitable niche for huge traffic.
- Health Blog. Health and wellness are HUGE niches online for huge traffic.
- Lifestyle. Lifestyle is for huge traffic.
- Frugal Living Blog. Frugal living blog is for huge traffic.
- Home Decor Blog. Home doctor for huge traffic.
- Newborn Blog. It can be for huge traffic.
- Christian Blog. It can be for huge traffic.
- Islamic Blog. Islamic blog can be for huge traffic.
- Insurance Blog. Insurance information blog can be for huge traffic.
Want to start a blog because you hear about how amazing it’s?
There’re even mom website or bloggers making money blogging! Yes, if you’re a stay-at-home mom, you can start a mom blog which can help you in making good money!
So, I thought I’d share some of the good and best profitable blog niches for you. You may have been learning that the ONLY way blogs make money is if your blog is about blogging.
However, That’s not the case.
My other blog helps people become a freelance writer for writing web contents. It’s strictly a service-based blog and that provides most of my huge income.
So, I know so many other websites and bloggers that don’t blog about blogging that are making a full-time income doing this. Let’s look at ten blog niches that you can start today and make good money doing it!
1. Sewing Blog
Sewing and knitting blog is a HUGE niche on Internet. It’s a visual niche that fuels the creativity for other people of the world. It’s no wonder that you can make good money as a craft website or blogger.
Mrs Javed Hayat, is a stay at home mom and crochet designer. She used her experience with designing crochet patterns to make good money with her sewing blog.
She learned that crochet is a huge niche online and She used this to help her grow her blog.
However, In the crochet niche of the internet, I’ve found one thing to be true . lots of people crochet, but not very many are publishing new designs and patterns and putting out content. There’s a very small group of crochet bloggers out there (spend any time on social media and you’ll quickly name several) dominating the market.
Furthermore, her latest blog income report shows that she made over $10,000 with ads. The affiliate marketing and selling her patterns on Etsy too.
Wow and amazing!
2. Parenting Blog
Parenting is another profitable niche. Just think about it. However, There’re entire stores dedicated to children and newborns. There’re hundreds and thousands of products just for parents too for that which can help you to make money.
This a niche that’s also universal for moms are everywhere!
Pinky of Mommy on Purpose is also a stay at home mom who website and blogs about pregnancy tips and being a mom. She quickly grew her website and blog to over 800k pageviews and was able to make $6,000 a month in less than a year!
However, Her main methods of monetization are ads, affiliate marketing, service and products.
3. Health Blog
Health blog and wellness blog are HUGE niches online today. It seems that universal topics where many people know about them become good profitable website and blog niches. And that makes sense that you’re speaking to a big chunk of people in the Globe world.
While you blogging about blogging is highly good profitable, you’re only really speaking to a very small percent of people in the Globe world.
So, if you want to start a blog, then must think about the global scale of your website and blog. Must define your niche that way!
Jessy of Easy Living Today is a mom who shares her love of eating healthy blog and living a fit life.
She mostly targets her help for other home moms, but her blog opens up her niche to include all women that want to be healthy in life.
Jessy posted that she earns $15,000 a month from her blog, but recently reported to make up to $20,000 a month with her popular website and blog. Amazing!
Her main ways for generating income is from sponsored web content, affiliate marketing, ads, and her own products.
4. Lifestyle Blog
A lifestyle blog is a blog with different many topics. These blogs usually target one type of demographic users. New moms, pet lovers, and college kids. Some website and bloggers think you can’t generate an income with a multi-topic website.
The reasoning behind that’s that a niche blog with one core theme speaks to one type of audience in the world. If you can speak ONLY to them, you can help them with their problems by promoting service and products to help them.
But, you can make good money with a lifestyle Blog topic!
Shema of the Million Dollar Mama blogs about eight topics from recipes to blogging to travel and mush more.
Shema stay at home millennial mom that loves to website and blog about being a mom. And finding creative ways to save and make good money.
While she hasn’t posted a recent blog income report few days ago, I do know that she routinely makes $7000/month JUST from Amazon affiliate marketing.
5. Frugal Living Blog
Let me tell you that saving money is one of the biggest niches on Internet? There’re some massive group boards just for frugal living websites and bloggers .
With my other website, Smart Mom Ideas, I was going to go in the frugal living vein since one of the most popular posts. On that blog is all about ways to save money which I found it hard to monetize.
How do you make good money by giving tips to save big money?
Sama from This Tiny Blue House knows how!
What’s the great about her website is how ALIVE and thriving it’s. She created a loyal following who read her comments on her post. But not only that, her blog generates $2500 a month for her!
Her main monetization strategy is affiliate marketing from different big companies.
6. Home Decor Blog
Is your filled with projects and farmhouse decor? I love looking at pins for Decorations projects to improve my home decor. It’s another huge niche on Internet because it’s eye candy mamas!
Christy D from the Harper House is a mom to four kids and started her blog. The Harper House, as a way to make good money and to share her love of design too!.
Her blog is filled with personal projects, interior inspiration and new finds decorations. Her blog generates $7,000 a month from ads and affiliate marketing which is good money.
7. Newborn Blog
Aren’t newborns just so precious and darling? But, they also come with a lot of products from nipple cream to bottles to strollers and much more.
It’s Just like how the parenting niche is profitable. The newborn niche might be a tad more profitable.
Caro line of Swaddles n’ Bottles is making killing with her income and traffic!
Her focus on her blog is all things small baby. She’s a mom with little ones and she knows all about the newborn phase in her life. She posts her income reports on her other website and blog.
Her most recent income report says her blog generated over $14,000 from affiliate marketing and ads.
That’s great and amazing!
8. Christian Blog income
Many people go online not to only solve a problems, but to connect on a deeper level with others. Also to help strengthen their way of life. The blogger behind the Christian blog Income, A Joy, has built a very loyal following that absolutely great and love and words of wisdom.
Arabah Joy’s monthly income is over $8,000. Which primarily comes from eBook sales, and affiliate marketing.
9. Islamic Blog
Islamic blog can be for huge traffic. Islam newsletter is a comprehensive summary of the day’s most important blog posts and news. Also, people like articles from the best Islam websites on the web, and delivered to your email inbox each morning. Finally to subscribe, simply the users get informations on daily base.
Hayat’s monthly income is over $5,000. Which primarily comes from Islamic information.
10. Insurance Blog
Insurance information blog can be for huge traffic. Also, Insurance providers know how important it’s to be in the right place at the right time. They need to be available for their customers when it matters most. And one of our clients found website content has been another way to be responsive to Insurance consumers’ needs. In fact, the insurance company has seen that over time, there’s immense value in building a consistent presence on the web.
Smal Insurance Companies’s monthly income is over $4,000. Which primarily comes from Insurance information and Google Ads.
in Conclusion
In this How To Start A Blog Guide for Making Money Online article we got idea how to start a blog. Now we can easily create a website or blog for making money. However, here in my easy-to-follow steps will help you to get start a self-hosted WordPress blog, No any technical experience you’ll required. Finally the following bellow main 6 steps very important to follow. I’m 100{fc26ea8d5736866676687bf4b69d5645b7dca12848b298949087a20103fb8c96} sure after follow my How To Start A Blog Guide for Making Money Online, you can build a blog.
- Step-1: Decide what to blog about is.
- Step-2: Choose a best blogging platform.
- Step-3: Find a best web hosting service.
- Step-4: Pick a unique domain name.
- Step-5: Get started with WordPress platform.
- Step-6: Design your blog.
Questions and Answer about how to start a blog
How much do bloggers can earn?
According to our survey, this one of 1,500 ProBlogger readers who said they’re trying to make money by blogging. They found that make between 9{fc26ea8d5736866676687bf4b69d5645b7dca12848b298949087a20103fb8c96} $1,000 a month and 4{fc26ea8d5736866676687bf4b69d5645b7dca12848b298949087a20103fb8c96} bloggers make over $10,000 a month. But the vast majority makes less than $5.50 per day. However, most of these were blogs less than two years old, though.
Here’re few things you should know before you start blogging.
- Also, Blogging takes time and effort Before getting started, ask yourself why you want start a blog.
- Blogging is not free for you.
- Identify your niche to world.
- Content is King in blogging.
- Get social media.
- Must Learn basic HTML to get start blog.
- Learn basic SEO to get start blog.
- You must Learn about copyright issues.
How do you write a blog post for beginners?
- Read How to Start a Blog in 6 Steps
- Pick a unique blog name. Choose something descriptive for blog.
- Host your blog online. Register your own blog and get hosting.
- Customize your unique blog. Choose a free template to get start.
- Write post and publish your first post. That’s fun part!
- Promote your blog through social media to Get more people to read your blog.
- Make money from blogging.
Who’s the highest paid blogger?
- This Month, Forbes published a list of top highest earning bloggers in the world:
- TechCrunch – $2,500,000 per month from blogging.
- Mashable – $2,000,000 per month from blogging.
- CopyBlogger – $1,000,000 per month from blogging.
- Perez Hilton – $575,000 per month from blogging.
- Gizmodo – $325,000 per month from blogging.
- Smashing Magazine – £250,000 per month from blogging.
- Tuts+ – $175,000 from blogging.
What’re the most successful blogs?
- On the world’s most successful blogs and what they’re doing.
- The Phrasee blog.
- Mashable.
- Gizmodo.
- LifeHacker.
- The Verge. Estimated unique monthly visitors: 18,000,000.
- The Daily Beast. Estimated unique monthly visitors: 15,500,000.
- TechCrunch. Estimated unique monthly visitors: 15,000,000.
- Perez Hilton. Estimated unique monthly visitors: 14,500,000.
How can I blog to make money?
- Here’s how to make money from a blog in this articl.
- First of all Start a Blog. …
- Start Creating Useful web Content.
- Get off your blog and start finding Internet readers.
- Also, Build engagement with the readers that come.
- Start making money from the Blog readership you’ve through one or more of a variety of income streams.
- Advertising Income from blog.
- Affiliate Income from blog.
- Events from blog.
What’s the best blogging platform?
- With all that in mind, Must compare the best blogging platforms for beginners.
- WordPress.org. WordPress.org is the world’s most popular best blogging software. …
- Wix. Wix is a hosted platform to build websites and blog.
- WordPress.com is best blogging platform.
- Blogger is best blogging platform.
- Tumblr is best blogging platform.
- Medium is best blogging platform.
- Squarespace is best blogging platform.
- Joomla is best blogging platform.
How can I blog for free?
So, without further ado, let’s jump into step 1.
Step-1 – Choose your preferred best blogging platform.
Step-2 – Self-hosting or a free alternative platform?
Step-3 – Akso, Start a blog on your own domain.
Step-4 – Also, Designing your WordPress blog.
Step-5 – Must Useful Resources For Beginner Bloggers.
How do you start a blog to make money?
- What’re the steps to make money from blogging?
- Start a blog if you haven’t already have it.
- Establish yourself as an authority by creating excellent, useful web content about your blog topic.
- Also, Interact others online users to keep your blog top of mind.
What should I blog about?
- Must Consider your passions.
- Consider the website or blogs you read.
- Teach everything you know to others.
- Think about missing web content from your favorite blogs.
- Focus on presenting solutions to all problems.
- Write must as a leading learner.
- Think about the body of work which you want to have in your five years.
- Write also to a specific person.
Thanks for reading How To Start A Blog Guide for Making Money Online article. Hope How To Start A Blog Guide for Making Money Online will help you in creating own blog. However if you still have any question then contact us. Furthermore, You can place comments bellow, we’ll get back to you shortly.